Grace said Focus(英文版)
How do you explain the concept of “focus”?
How do you stay focused?
Reading this book with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important qualities in life.
The earlier they are aware of the concept of “focus”, the faster they will internalize this important quality.
Find out the Grace said Focus fan page on Facebook, and share your feedback!
How do you stay focused?
Reading this book with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important qualities in life.
The earlier they are aware of the concept of “focus”, the faster they will internalize this important quality.
Find out the Grace said Focus fan page on Facebook, and share your feedback!
Grace said Patience(英文版)
What is patience?
How do you explain the concept of “patience”?
How to practice being patient?
Reading this story with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important qualities in life. The more patient you are the better you are.
How do you explain the concept of “patience”?
How to practice being patient?
Reading this story with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important qualities in life. The more patient you are the better you are.
Grace said Persistence(英文版)
What is persistence? How to explain the concept of “persistence”?
How to be persistent when you want to give up?
Don’t give up until reaching your goal, then you will have persistence.
Reading this story with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important qualities in life.
How to be persistent when you want to give up?
Don’t give up until reaching your goal, then you will have persistence.
Reading this story with your children will help them cultivate one of the most important qualities in life.
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